Stone Washed Delivery!

Look what arrived at my house not too long ago…

Scheepjes Stone Washed

Aren’t the colors great together?  While browsing Ravelry a while back I came across a project I really loved.  I stuck it in my favorites so I wouldn’t forget about it and went on to work my way through my long, loooong, list of projects that were waiting to be finished.  Recently I was trying to think of what yarn to use, as I had this very specific color combination in mind, with a greenish yellow, dark grey and light grey / black.  I had very nearly chosen a slightly alternate color scheme using Scheepjes Soft Fun Denim (used in my Sundry Shawl WIP) when I realized I happened across the color card for Scheepjes Stone Washed and saw that it had the perfect colors for what I had in mind.

Scheepjes Stone Washed

I love finding exactly the colors I am looking for in the same yarn.  I know you feel my pain, if you knit or crochet you’ll know exactly what I mean.  Getting an idea in your head for a project only to spend ages searching different yarns, because each one you find will have two of the three colors you need, or the yarn that does have the perfect colors is the wrong weight.  The constant battle to find the perfect yarn in the perfect colors.  It’s kind of like finding a four leaf clover when you do find it, isn’t it?


I found it, though, and I think this upcoming project is going to be pretty sweet.  I’ll give you a few hints:

  • It’s bigger than a pair of mittens and smaller than a blanket
  • It has stripes
  • My kniting guru Staci over at knitted one a while back

So, can you guess? I’m guessing probably not, since I posted about it many, many months ago and only on Facebook.  I guess you’ll all just have to wait and see! My needles will be clickety clacking furiously, so it shouldn’t be too long before I’m back with some WIP pics!

If you are looking for the same yarn, it can be found in The Netherlands and Belgium from these sellers or worldwide via WoolWarehouse* and

*Affiliate Link

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