Parents Incoming!!

Oh my god I can’t believe I’m finally saying this, but my parents will be here NEXT WEEK!!   We’ve been counting this down for months and it’s almost here.   Mom and Dad hugs, Canadian goodies, all my favorite people together again in one room!!

I’m excited! I’m freaking out!

I know most other expat women I know go through odd stages when family are visiting from home.  For months leading up to it, it’s just massive excitement.  For the last few weeks before they arrive it’s a madhouse getting everything prepared.  The last few days before they get there is spent in a complete hissy fit due to nerves, excitement and stress.

Having them here is wonderful, and then before you know it they are gone.

Then… two weeks of the blues.

I’m pretty sure this is stock standard for us expat gals, at least that’s what I gather from conversations with them.  Either that or you all are just amusing me so I don’t feel like a total nutcase.  I’m ok with being lied to in cases like these.

I love it when they are here, which is odd because I generally don’t like company that sleeps over.   I tend to get sick of people easily.  Not them though, I’m pretty sure they could stay for months and I’d never get tired of having them around.

Thankfully, they love Xander to pieces and always look forward to spending time with him too.   He has a great relationship with them, which makes me very happy because their opinion means a lot to me.  I honestly can’t imagine how I would cope if my family couldn’t see all the things I love about him too.

Now that it’s in the ‘next week’ phase, I’m fully aware that I am going to be a total spaz.  Xander is aware of this too, as well as the fact that it’s also going to be ‘PMS phase’.  Double whammy!

Oh don’t you wish you were him right now?  A PMS-ing wife and the in-laws on the way! HA!

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  1. Hope you are having a great time with the family visit! What are you going to do when your parents leave and you are missing 2 extra pairs of hands to pet the animals with??

    Melissas last blog post… My favourite season of the year.

  2. @Bluefish – Indeed! Presents are great :) Especially when it’s stuff you miss from back home. You’ll be knowing THAT feeling soon enough hehe

    @Penny – They can’t wait to meet you either. I talk about you all the time. They may be a little more interested in Noah though :P

    @Crys – Oh, be sure I have my fair share of those in my family too. You’re right though, I am lucky to have such a great relationship with my parents.

    @Brenda – Well, truth be told we do have those moments too. We usually count the days until me and my father end up butting heads over something! We get over it quickly though.

    @Zhu – Have your parents ever been to visit? Tbh I think this will be my parents’ last visit for a while. In the future we’ll be going over there. It’s just easier that way.

    @Melissa – Doh, I should have gotten them to bring you over a can of coffee or something. Although, with all the stuff I have on my list for them to bring I doubt they could fit a q-tip in their baggage now haha

    Thanks everyone for the comments! Only 2 days left!

  3. These last couple of months can explain that extra jump for joy. Having your family visit is even better than getting goodies from back home. Enjoy these moments that are given. ;)

    Decoras last blog post… Mijn Keuken

  4. What are the chances they can sneak a Timmy’s double double over?? LOL!

    I hope the weather holds out for you guys and I know you are going to have a great time!

    Melissas last blog post… Somebody loves me!

  5. Congrats! Hope all goes well!

    Ambers last blog post… OUCH!

  6. Lucky you! I wish my parents could come visit in Canada. Maybe in a few years…

    Zhus last blog post… Beijing By Night

  7. I often notice the opposite among expats, that they are so used to living unnaturally far away from family, and then suddenly they are in close quarters for a week or two, and it’s too much. ‘Happy to see them come, happy to see them go’ kinda thing. I’ve never had family visit me, so I can’t say from experience, but I sure would be happy to see them come here…

    Hope you have a wonderful time!

    Brendas last blog post… Bring out the garlands

  8. Geez, how rare it is to hear a child speak of their parents that way! It’s great. I feel that way for my inlaws, actually; they are some of my truly best friends. You don’t hear a whole lot of people saying THAT, either.

    I love my own family too and all, it’s just that 3/4ths of them are batshit crazayzay

    Cryss last blog post… Dirty Who Now?

  9. Enjoy your visit with them :-)

  10. I’m sooooo happy for you!! It means alot to us expats when family can come and visit. Im hoping one day soon I can get my Dad here.

    Sonyas last blog post… Blogging Blues

  11. Oh my goodness I can’t wait to meet them. I think I am almost as excited as you are, and they aren’t even my parents hahah

  12. It’s always great to have guest visiting, especially when they bring lots of presents.

    Have a great time with your parents:)

    Bluefishs last blog post… München-Day 5

  13. I can’t wait for them to come either, if for no other reason than for this madness to stop! Just kidding, well sort of. Anyway, it will be a great two weeks and I can’t wait to see them!

    Just so you know, PMS means:

    – The (soon to be dead) Husband

    Dead Man Walkings last blog post… OMG, sellout!

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