Autumny Goodness

Oh man am I ever getting sick. Within the last few hours I went from feeling perfectly fine to feeling like my head is going to explode. My throat hurts, my nose is stuffy and I can’t stop sneezing. I’m positively miserable! Xander came home last week and wasn’t feeling well, had a bit of a cold for about two day and then was fine. I wish I got over colds as quickly as he does, unfortunately they usually last at least a week for me. Gone are the days of being able to stay at home curled up in a blanket though.. now I have to go spread my cold cooties around school.Bailey in the Parkbpup Earlier today, when I didn’t feel like crap, Xander and I went for a nice walk with the dog. It was such a beautiful day, probably about 14-15 degrees (celcius) and the sun was shining. We walked arm in arm around the neighbourhood while Bailey ran excitedly from side to side on the sidewalk, careful not to miss anything sniffable. Along the way we met up with another couple walking a pup. Bailey and the pup were extremely interested in each other and got quite excited. I just had to take a pic of him because he was so cute. I think he was a bulldog of some kind but he was only 13 weeks old and already as big as Bailey! His owners seemed happy to have his photo taken and I got their email address so I could send them over. Lord knows we all love seeing pics of our “babies”.

neighboursA little while later we ran into this older couple who lives in our building. He’s in his early 80’s and she’s in her late 70’s. They are so friendly and sweet, I love stopping to chat with them even though I only understand a portion of what they say, I just like to look at them. They are the kind of people who give off happy vibes that just totally invade you. We always see them out doing something together and you can tell that even after all the years they’ve been together they are still in love. I was watching them walk away from us and had to capture it. There was just something so nice about seeing them walking together arm in arm. In a way it was like looking 50 years into the future, or at least I hope so. I hope Xander and I are still that happy after that many years together.

Did I mention how much I love the fall?

Yesterday we went by another neighbour’s place. They are in the process of selling their flat and she said we could stop by and have a look. It’s a bit out of our budget but the way they have renovated is something like how we want to do our place. They did such a nice job on theirs I wished I could just take my furniture and drop it in there. They said they’d give us a hand and show us how to do some things if we need them to. Which I figure we probably will because neither of us really have any DIY experience. This whole buying the flat and renovating it thing will definately be a something new for us both. I hope it comes out as nice as our neighbours, if it does we’ll definately be proud of ourselves.

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