How I Got Punked For April Fool’s

So, today is April Fool’s day… and it started out like this, when I sent out a warning to the internet on Twitter (and Facebook).


You see, there are a lot of things I hate, cuz I’m like that, I’m a hater… and I really hate 1) being startled 2) being tricked.  The reason for this is because it is SO DAMN EASY.  I am both jumpy and gullible by nature so I really am easy pickings when it comes to things like April Fool’s day and those viral videos that make you jump out of your skin.

If you are friends with me on Twitter or Facebook, you’ve seen that I’ve come to the decision that I am going to part with my turtles. It has been a long time coming and was a very difficult decision.  We need the space in our flat, we are tired of fighting the damp every winter and the mold that follows, we are tired of the windows being full of condensation every year… and I’m just finding the upkeep a bit too difficult.

So, today my husband and I were sitting on the sofa discussing what we were going to do and if we were going to rehome all of them or keep one, and if so which one.  This was a difficult conversation for me because it’s hard enough to part with pets, but I am a hormonal mess at the moment, so even just discussing it had me almost in tears.

Then I heard the sound of someone messaging me on Twitter, and I went to look.


Translation: Homeowners Association: Because there are now so many dogs in the building, there are plans for a restriction of maximum 1 dog per household.

I’m really starting to wonder if he had his ear to the door before he sent me that message.  It’s like he KNEW I was in the process of discussing rehoming pets!

No, I’m sure he didn’t, which when he reads this will make the entire thing even more comical on his end… but anyway.


I fell for it hook, line and sinker!  I had totally forgotten that it was April Fool’s Day and I panicked, sending Xander to check the mail and his email to see if we had gotten the message.   He was a shocked as I was, until he came back in the door and said “Wait a minute, maybe this is an April Fool’s Day joke!


You’d think I’d clue in then, would you?   Yeah, not so much. I needed confirmation!  Until I actually heard him say it was a joke, there was a possibility that it was true!


He’s right, I did just have our new VVE guy on the phone and he DOES sound serious!! He was not very nice at all in fact!  He seemed like just the type who would make a girl get rid of her dog! OH NO!!!


Translation: Have you read the email? There must have been complaints.  It will be discussed at the next meeting.  Strange, huh?!

He didn’t say it was a joke. I asked, and he didn’t admit to it… SO IT HAD TO BE TRUE!!

That was it, the panic was on and there was just no turning me off then.  I had to know.  I had to know RIGHT NOW if he was joking or not.  Xander had his number in his mobile and he told me to call and ask him, but I had already been so buggered up from discussing rehoming the turtles, just from being in hormone overload that I knew I would have started crying the minute he answered the phone.  Plus, I just hate talking on the phone.  So I asked Xander to call him… then things got really bad.

Xander: YOU call him!

Me: NO, YOU call him!!

Xander: YOU want to know, you call him!

Me: OMG would you just call him!!

Xander: Call him and pretend to be all upset, oh that would be so funny!

Me: Who is pretending? Call him, call him now! Omg please call him.  We can’t give a dog away! Can they do that?  Does the VVE have that power?  Oh god no we have to move!! You won’t make me give up one of the dogs right? YOU wouldn’t want to give up one of the dogs, would you? Would you give up one of the dogs?!  That’s it we’ll just have to move.

Xander: *Laughing so hard he can’t speak*


Xander: *Doubles over, gasps for breath*

Me: I hate the phone, I hate calling people, YOU KNOW THAT CALL HIM DAMMIT!! I don’t want to have to give my dog away, I HAVE TO KNOW!

Xander: This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!!! *Choking with laughter by this point*

Me: *Starting to go all high pitched woman anger noise* CALLHIMCALLHIMNOWORIAMGOINGTOFREAKOUT!!!! (Already freaking out)

Xander: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *Starting to taunt me now which really gets my back up*

Me: *Looking around for something non-breakable to throw* I am getting really mad!! I’m going to throw something!! YOU BETTER CALL HIM CALL HIM NOW I MEAN IT STOP LAUGHING!!!

Xander: This is HILARIOUS!!! *Laughing harder*

Me: *Completely irrational and crying by this time*  I MEAN IT! I am going to throw this cutting board at you, I will throw it, don’t test me!!  I will throw it you know I will you better call him I mean it CALL HIM RIGHT NOW that’s it I’m going to throw it!!  *Raises arm to whiff it*

Xander: Jesus woman, alright… I’ll call!!

Me: thankyou.

So Xander phoned him and asked if he could forward the mail from the VVE, and he finally cracked and admitted that is was a joke.  WHEW!!  Ok, crisis averted.  I don’t have to give away one of my dogs, I don’t have to move… but I do have to get revenge on my neighbour.  Someday, somehow, I will make him pay.


He SO is.  I’m not quite sure what I will do yet, but I will have my revenge.  In the words of a crazy dude from MONK “When he least expects me, that’s when he can expect me!!”

Yep, he got me good… and I’m definitely laughing about it now that I’ve calmed down.  He had the PERFECT timing with that joke at the very time I was discussing rehoming other pets, it’s like he’s psychic or something!

Oh man, This is war.

Project (Day 89) Double Cuddles

This was my Project 365 photo from last night.  Me and my babies having a cuddle after dinner.  Look at those faces, you’d freak out too at the thought of losing them!  Ok, maybe not to the crying, screaming, exorcist head spinning way that I did, but still.

Yep, he’s in for it alright.  It is ON like DONKEY KONG.

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  1. It would have been ‘Sophie’s Choice’ all over again.

  2. Oh I would so get him too.. That’s just downright mean lol and here I thought mine was bad telling Marcel I was going home for 3 or so months without him. He was literally in a panic until I said April Fool’s hahaha

  3. Monica Van Maanen

    I hate, hate, hate people who do that! I’m like you. I don’t like being startled and I don’t like being teased because it’s really easy to do to me. Sigh.

  4. That is hilarious!

    Advice to Marco – practice your ducking!! I see objects flying at you in the near future!

  5. Marco (the neighbour)

    Yes !! The first time someone wrote a blog about me. I feel sooo honoured….

  6. you know, that really is hilarious. i hope xander is still laughing…but yeah, get him back good girl!

  7. Make sure you get him GOOD! lol

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